Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. As ambassadors of Christ, NeViBL is dedicated to creating better lives for Haiti’s neediest through basic healthcare, education and spiritual leadership. But we can’t do it without you.
Your 100% tax-deductible gift can literally change lives. The average Haitian earns just $1,240.00 per year. Imagine the impact your gift will have. To donate safely online, visit us on PayPal. Or contact us at contact@newvisionforabetterlife.com for additional ways to give.
Feel called to serve? We welcome volunteers with open arms. Whether you have a special skill to offer on-site or would like to participate remotely, there are many ways you can help. Contact our volunteer coordinator at contact@newvisionforabetterlife.com
The average Haitian earns just $1,240.00 per year. Imagine the impact your gift will have.